Monday, July 30, 2007

Photo for 07/31/2007

Wildflowers in Phantom Canyon, Colorado. We are following the former route of the Florence & Cripple Creek Railroad up Phantom Canyon……

Points To Ponder 07/31/2007

It's not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them productive human beings.
BIBLE QUIZ: Fill in the blank. What are the circumstances surrounding this passage? II Kings 7:8-
The men who had ______________ reached the edge of the camp and entered one of the tents. They ate and drank, and carried away silver, gold and clothes, and went off and hid them. They returned and entered another tent and took some things from it and hid them also. Then they said to each other, "We're not doing right. This is a day of good news and we are keeping it to ourselves. If we wait until daylight, punishment will overtake us. Let's go at once and report this to the royal palace." (NIV)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Photo for 07/23/2007

We are following the former route of the Florence & Cripple Creek Railroad up Phantom Canyon……from Florence to Victor, Colorado…

Points To Ponder 07/23/2007

The second death will have no power on those who have had a second birth.
Fill in the blanks. What are the circumstances surrounding this passage? 2 Chronicles 7:1-2
When __________ finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the LORD filled the temple. The priests could not enter the temple of the LORD because the glory of the LORD filled it. (NIV)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Photo for 07/22/2007

Even the dandelions look good in this area…. :O)

Points To Ponder 07/22/2007

The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without hope.
BIBLE QUIZ: Who is the ‘he” in the passage below? What was the story behind this incident? I Kings 17:5-6
So he went and did according unto the word of the LORD: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.(KJV)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Photo for 07/21/2007

Cactus growing on the canyon walls above us…… We are following the former route of the Florence & Cripple Creek Railroad up Phantom Canyon……from Florence to Victor, Colorado…

Points To Ponder 07/21/2007

If God controls you on the inside, you’ll be genuine on the outside..
Fill in the blanks. What are the circumstances surrounding this passage? Judges 13:19-20
And the LORD did an amazing thing while ___________ and his wife watched:

As the flame blazed up from the altar toward heaven, the angel of the LORD ascended in the flame. Seeing this, ­­­­___________ and his wife fell with their faces to the ground. (NIV)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Photo for 07/20/2007

Since it was early spring when we took this trip (May 30, 2007) the cactus and wildflowers were in full bloom in the semi arid canyon….. We are following the former route of the Florence & Cripple Creek Railroad up Phantom Canyon……from Florence to Victor, Colorado.

Points To Ponder 07/20/2007

One of the sanest, surest, and most generous joys of life comes from being happy over the good fortune of others.
BIBLE QUIZ: Fill in the blank. What are the circumstances surrounding this passage? Numbers 17:8
The next day Moses entered the Tent of the Testimony and saw that __________ staff, which represented the house of Levi, had not only sprouted but had budded, blossomed and produced almonds. (NIV)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Photo for 07/19/2007

One of the narrow tunnels on the former route of the Florence & Cripple Creek Railroad.....going up Phantom Canyon……from Florence to Victor, Colorado…

Points To Ponder 07/19/2007

Words can be your salvation or they can be your damnation.
Fill in the blanks. Exodus 34:29
When _________ came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands, he was not aware that his face was ____________ because he had spoken with the LORD. (NIV)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Photo for 07/18/2007

Here is a view of "Eightmile Creek" as we follow the former route of the Florence & Cripple Creek Railroad up Phantom Canyon……from Florence to Victor, Colorado.

Points To Ponder 07/18/2007

Rescue is the constant pattern of God’s activity. - Francis Frangipane.
BIBLE QUIZ: Fill in the blank. What are the circumstances surrounding this passage? Numbers 16:31-33
As soon as he finished saying all this, the ground under them split apart and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them, with their households and all ________ men and all their possessions. They went down alive into the grave, with everything they owned; the earth closed over them, and they perished and were gone from the community. (NIV)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Photo for 07/17/2007

After we left the Central City area we eventually headed south of the Colorado Springs. We are now following the route of the Florence & Cripple Creek (narrow gauge) Railroad up Phantom Canyon from Florence to Victor, Colorado…

Points To Ponder 07/17/2007

Life is tragic to him who has plenty to live on and nothing to live for.
BIBLE QUIZ: Fill in the blank. What are the circumstances surrounding this passage? Exod 4:6-7
Then the LORD said, "Put your hand inside your cloak." So _________ put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was leprous, like snow. "Now put it back into your cloak," he said. So ___________ put his hand back into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was restored, like the rest of his flesh. (NIV)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Photo for 07/16/2007

An old mine sorting bin on the Virginia Canyon Road that goes from Central City to Idaho Springs, Colorado…

Points To Ponder 07/16/2007

Three things never return: the past, the neglected opportunity, and the spoken word.
Fill in the blank. What are the circumstances surrounding this verse? Exodus 17:6
. . . . . . . Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink." So ________ did this in the sight of the elders of Israel. (NIV)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Photo for 07/15/2007

Mt. Evans from the Virginia Canyon Road…. (near Central City, Colorado)…

Points To Ponder 07/15/2007

Never make a principle out of your experience; let God be as original with other people as he is with you. - Oswald Chambers
BIBLE QUIZ: Fill in the blanks. Matthew 21:28-31
[Jesus said] "What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, 'Son, go and work today in the vineyard.' "'I will not,' he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. "Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, 'I will, sir,' but he did not go. "Which of the two did what his father wanted?" "The first," they answered. Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, the _____ ____________ and the ______________ are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. (NIV)

Photo for 07/14/2007

Another old mine at Russell Gulch, Colorado...

Points To Ponder 07/14/2007

"When men and women get their hands on religion, one of the first things they often do is turn it into an instrument for controlling others, either putting or keeping them “in their place.” - Eugene H. Peterson
Fill in the blank. Matthew 22:30
At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the ___________ in heaven.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Photo for 07/13/2007

The air compressor and hoist for the mine we looked at yesterday…The building is gone but this heavy machinery remains…

Points To Ponder 07/13/2007

If you chase two rabbits you won’t catch either one.
Who are the “us” in the following passage? What are the circumstances surrounding this verse? Genesis 11:7
Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."(NIV)

Photo for 07/12/2007

Another old mine at Russell Gulch, Colorado (near Central City)…

Points To Ponder 07/12/2007

A child’s life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark.
7 For none of us _________ to himself alone and none of us _________ to himself alone.
8 If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
9 For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the _________ and the _________. (NIV)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Photo for 07/11/2007

An old store at the mining town of Russell Gulch, Colorado (near Central City)…Russell Gulch has probably never been a true ghost town as a few people have always lived there...This is the town where my wife lived when I met her....about a half block up this street ...

Points To Ponder 07/11/2007

Tremendous victory is only possible in the face of a tremendous battle.
FILL IN THE BLANK………. II Kings 2:14
Then _______ took the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and struck the water with it. "Where now is the LORD, the God of Elijah?" he asked. When he struck the water, it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over. (NIV)

Monday, July 09, 2007

Photo for 07/10/2007

The “out back” facilities at ghost town of Nevadaville, Colorado (near Central City)…

Points To Ponder 07/10/2007

The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up slowly on us., one step at a time.
BIBLE QUIZ: FILL IN THE BLANK………. Judges 6:39-40
Then __________ said to God, "Do not be angry with me. Let me make just one more request. Allow me one more test with the fleece. This time make the fleece dry and the ground covered with dew." That night God did so. Only the fleece was dry; all the ground was covered with dew. NIV

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Photo for 07/09/2007

An old mine at the ghost town of Nevadaville, Colorado (near Central City)…

Points To Ponder 07/09/2007

It is the image of God reflected in you that so enrages hell; it is this at which the demons hurl their mightiest weapons - William Gurnall
BIBLE QUIZ: Who threw the piece of wood into the water? Exodus 15:25
. . . . . and the LORD showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. (NIV)

Photo for 07/08/2007

An old building at the ghost town of Nevadaville, Colorado (near Central City)…

Points To Ponder 07/08/2007

The way through the world is more difficult to find than the way beyond it. - Wallace Stevens
FILL IN THE BLANK………. Luke 13:10-13
On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for ______ years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, "Woman, you are set free from your infirmity." Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God. NIV

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Photo for 07/07/2007

Stone retaining wall at the ghost town of Nevadaville, Colorado. Nevadaville is one of the oldest mining towns in Colorado dating to 1859. These walls were built without mortar and are still standing after about 148+/- years.

Points To Ponder 07/07/2007

To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. - David Viscott
FILL IN THE BLANK………. What was the story behind this incident? Acts 20:9-10
Seated in a window was a young man named ___________, who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. When he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead. Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him. "Don't be alarmed," he said. "He's alive!"(NIV)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Photo for 07/06/2007

City Hall and Fire Department at the ghost town of Nevadaville, Colorado (near Central City)…

Points To Ponder 07/06/2007

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain
What was the story behind this incident? Genesis 19:26
But ______ wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. (NIV)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Photo for 07/05/2007

James Peak, Colorado (13,294’)….One of my favorites….back in the 60’s and 70’s the Jeep road went all the way to the top. I had my 1954 Jeep CJ5 up there once and my 1966 Bronco up there once as well. The road was permanently closed in the 80’s. My boys and I hiked into the lakes below it on a couple of occasions. This is also the area where we did a lot of cross country snowshoeing in the winter.

Points To Ponder 07/05/2007

Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs from climbing it.
BIBLE QUIZ: Acts 28:5-6
But ________ shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects.

The people expected him to swell up or suddenly fall dead, but after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said he was a god. (NIV)

Photo for 07/04/2007

Happy 4th of July… Flag on our front porch…

Points To Ponder 07/04/2007

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy - Martin Luther King
Where did Jesus send Peter to get the tax money? Matt 17:24-27
24 After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma tax came to Peter and asked, "Doesn't your teacher pay the temple tax?"
25 "Yes, he does," he replied. When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. "What do you think, Simon?" he asked. "From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes-- from their own sons or from others?"
26 "From others," Peter answered. "Then the sons are exempt," Jesus said to him.
27 "But so that we may not offend them, go to . . . . . . . . (NIV)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Photo for 07/03/2007

The only cabin remaining at the ghost town of Nugget, Colorado..above Apex..

Points To Ponder 07/03/2007

We live by encouragement and we die without it, slowly, sadly, and angrily.
Fill in the blanks. What are the circumstances surrounding this passage? II Kings 19:35-36
Then it happened that night that the _________ of the _________ went out, and struck 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians; and when men rose early in the morning, behold, all of them were dead. So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and returned {home,} and lived at Nineveh. (NAS)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Photofor 07/02/2007

Another old building at the ghost town of Apex, Colorado…

Points To Ponder 07/02/2007

Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters. - Nathaniel Emmons
BIBLE QUIZ: Who delayed the Exodus of Israel at Hazeroth for seven days? What was the sin that caused the delay? Numbers 12:15
So __________ was confined outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move on till she was brought back. (NIV)